Problem-solving and Learning for Public Services and Public Mana­ge­ment

by Springer

Families on the park sidewalk.

Public services and manage­ment are for solving problems

Hence, problem solving must be taken as a starting point for theoretical discussion and development of public management and services.

In the new book we have sought to provide a theoretical and practical developmental basis for problem solving.

Problems are unwelcome, harmful situations, events or objects requiring remediation to yield welcome results. Unlike a paradox, problems are solvable.

There are no people-less problems – problems impact on life-as-lived – and are sub-systems (or sub-sub-systems) of human ecosystems.

Problem definition includes subjective/affective evaluation of event/object as problematic and in local public services, often relates to access, procedures, or outcomes (‘rights’) in addition to verifiable, quantitative, and measurable dimensions.

A reader of the book.

Authors of the book

Portrait of Tony Kinder.

Tony Kinder

Following a period as an engineering Trade Union Official (1972-98), Tony chaired several venture capital investment funds and occupied leading positions in Lothian Regional and West Lothian local Councils (1982-1998). He then worked at the University of Edinburgh Business School (1998-2016) as Director of Programmes and later MBA Director and is now a visiting Professor at Tampere University and visiting Professor at the University of Science and Technology, Beijing.
His research is on learning in service innovation processes around which he has published over 70 papers in academic journals, many with Jari Stenvall over 15-years.  Their current research is on governance of ecosystems, public value, and mutuality, and the ethical used of advanced technology in integrated local public services in Finland and Scotland.
Portrait of Jari Stenvall.

Jari Stenvall

Professor of Administrative Sciences, Tampere University, from 2013–present. 
Professor, University of Lapland (2002-2013); Dean, Faculty of Business and Tourism (2005-2007); Research Director, University of Tampere (2000-2001); Researcher, University of Tampere (1992-2000).
He has published over 150 peer-reviewed academic papers and  20 books.
Prof Stenvall’s work has been recognised lifetime achievement award (Finnsh Evaluation Society), the accolade of Professor of the Year in Finland for 2022.



The aim of the ETAIROS project is to study and develop practical processes and frameworks that help public, private and third-sector organizations enhance the ethical sustainability of applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and associated technologies.


Fighting segregation and homelessness among the most vulnerable through housing social work (SEGRA) focuses on the role of social work in combating regional inequality, segregation, and homelessness in large and developing Finnish cities within the specific framework of housing social work.

The aim is to make visible and strengthen the position of social work in the housing and related service pathways of the most vulnerable people and thereby contribute to the construction of socially sustainable cities

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