
Peer reviewed journals

Kinder T and Stenvall J, 2023, A critique of public service logic, Public Management Review,   in Special edition on public service logic.

Koskimies E. and Kinder T, 2022, Mutuality in AI-enabled new local public service solutions. Public Management Review,

Kinder T, Stenvall J and Talonen A, 2022, Logics and Agency in Public Management Research, Public Organisation Review, 10.1007/s11115-021-00576-8.

Kinder, T., Six, F., Stenvall, J., Talonen, A. P., & Memon, A. (2021). Emerging governances, different perspectives. International public management review.

Kinder T and Stenvall J, 2021, Public value and public services in the post-virus economy, Public Sector Economics, 45:3, 329-361.

Lehtonen K, Kinder, T., & Stenvall, J. (2021). To trust or not to trust? Governance of multidimensional elite sport reality. Sport in Society, 1-18.

Kinder, T., Stenvall, J., Six, F., & Memon, A. (2021). Relational leadership in collaborative governance ecosystems. Public Management Review, 1-28.

Kinder, T., Six, F., Stenvall, J., & Memon, A. (2020). Governance-as-legitimacy: are ecosystems replacing networks? Public Management Review.

Tirronen, A., Kinder, T., & Stenvall, J. (2020). Learning in Finnish Social Work Practice and Research. The British Journal of Social Work.)

Talonen, H., Talonen, A., Stenvall, J., & Kinder, T. (2020). Communicating Customer Ownership in Annual Reports: Perspective of Hedonic Value. FIIB Business Review, 2319714520945657.

Kinder T, Stenvall J and Memon A, 2019, Play at work, learning and innovation, Public Management Review, 213, 376-399.

Stenvall, J., Kinder., Kuoppakangas, P., Laitinen, I. (2018) Unlearning and public services— A case study with Vygotskyan approach. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education. 

Laitinen I, Stenvall J; Kinder T, 2018, Street-level new public governances in integrated services-as-a-system, Public Management Review, 20:6, 845-872.

Virtanen P, Stenvall J, Kinder T, and Hatem O, 2018, Do Accountabilities Change When Public Organisations Transform to Service Systems – A new conceptual approach? Financial Accountability and Management, 34:2, 1-15.

Laitinen I, Kinder T and Stenvall J, 2018, Local public service productivity and performance measurement, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 9:1, 49-75.

Laitinen, I., Kinder, T., & Stenvall, J. (2018). Co-design and action learning in local public services. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 24(1), 58-80.

Book contributions

Stenvall, Jari & Laitinen, Ilpo & Yeoman, Ruth & Thompson, Marc & Santos, Milena (2022): Public Values for Cities and City Policy. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Koskimies E, Stenvall J, Kinder T, Leikas M and Nieminen N, 2022, Artificial intelligence and Public Innovations, in Väyrynen H, Helander N and Jalonen H (Eds), Public Innovation and Digital Transformation, Routledge, London, Chapter-7.

Stenvall J, Laitinen I, Yeoman R, Thompson M and Santos, M, 2021, Public Values for Cities and City Policy, Palgrave MacMillan, London.

Virtanen P and Stenvall J, 2018, Intelligent Health Policy. Springer.

Syväjärvi, Antti & Stenvall, Jari. eds. (2010). Research on data mining in public and private sectors: organizational and government applications. Premier Reference Source, IGI Global, USA.
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Earlier works

Mikkonen, M., Stenvall, J., & Lehtonen, K. (2021). The Paradox of Gender Diversity, Organizational Outcomes, and Recruitment in the Boards of National Governing Bodies of Sport. Administrative Sciences, 11(4), 141.

Suomi, Kuoppakangas, Kivistö, Stenvall & Pekkola (2020). Exploring doctorate holders’ perceptions of the non-academic labor market and reputational problems they relate to their employment. Tertiary Education and Management, iFirst Sep 2020.

Tuurnas, S; Stenvall, J; Virtanen, P; Pekkola, E; Kurkela; K (2019): Towards a collaborative development culture in local government organisations. International Journal of Public Sector Management.

Kuoppakangas, Suomi, Clark, Chapleo & Stenvall (2019) Dilemmas in Re-branding a University—“Maybe People Just Don’t Like Change”: Linking Meaningfulness and Mutuality into the Reconciliation.  Corporate Reputation Review.

Agbebi, M; Stenvall, J; Virtanen, P (2017). Towards a framework for understanding the outcomes of economic engagements with Africa : A human capital development perspective. African and Asian Studies, October. 

Laitinen I., Piazza R., Stenvall J., (2017) Adaptive learning in smart cities – The cases of Catania and Helsinki, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, Feb 2017.

Laitinen, I. & Osborne, M., Stenvall, J (2016). Complex regional innovation networks and HEI engagement – the case of Chicago International journal of Knowledge-Based Development Vol 7 no 2. 

Virtanen P., Kaivo-oja, J., Ishino, Y., Stenvall, J., Jalonen, H. (2016). Ubiquitous revolution, customer needs and business intelligence? Empirical evidence from Japanese healthcare sector´ the special issue of International Journal of  Web Engineering & Technology.

Virtanen, P., Laitinen, I., Stenvall, J (2016). ´Street-level bureaucrats as strategy shapers in social and health service delivery: empirical evidence from six countries. International Social work. October 2016.

Laitinen, I. and Stenvall, J. (2016) ‘Entering the era of third generation services: a comparative study of reforms in social and health care services’, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.68–87, Sage Publications.

Rossi, P., Rannisto, P. H., & Stenvall, J. (2016). Creating Innovative Public Services by Fostering Conflicts. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 5(1), 1-12.

Stenvall, J; Virtanen, P (2015) Intelligent Public Organization. Public Organization Review. December, 1-15.

Tuurnas, S; Stenvall, J; Rannisto, P-H (2015). The impact of co-production on frontline accountability: the case of the conciliation service. International review of Administrative Sciences 82, no. 1 (2016): 131–149.

Tuurnas, S; Stenvall, J; Rannisto, P-H (2015). Coordinating co-production in complex network settings. European Journal of Social work, Vol 18, issue 3. 370-382.

Osborne SP, Radnor Z, Kinder T, Vidal I and Jenei G, 2015, The SERVICE framework: a public-service-dominant approach to sustainable public services, British Journal of Management, 26:3, 424-438.

Radnor Z, Osborne SP, Kinder T and Baranova P, 2014, Operationalizing Co-Production in Public Services Delivery: the Contribution of Service Blueprinting, Public Management Review, 16:3, 402-423.

Osborne SP, Radnor Z, Vidal I and Kinder T, 2014, A sustainable business model for public service organisations? Public Management Review, 15:2, 165-172.

Frydrych D, Bock A and Kinder T, 2014, Exploring Entrepreneurial Legitimacy in Reward-Based Crowd-funding, Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 16:3, 247-269.

Soh C, Carr C, Kinder T and Lin YP, 2014, What Are the Top Variables Leading to Strategic Investment Decision Making Performance, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3:12, 1169-1173.

Osborne P and Kinder T, 2011, ‘Want doesn’t get’?  Public management responses to recession, Public Money and Management, 31:2, 85-89.